Friday, October 16, 2009

True Love or Pure Chemicals?

Ever wondered why when you’re looking at your crush or someone you’re attracted to, your heart beats faster and you feel giddy whenever you’re near them?

Well, we can blame our chemicals for everything. We had a list of attributes ready for our dream guy or girl, but we just end up falling with the person who possesses none of them….it is, as they say, chemistry.

Phenylethylamine (PEA) is dubbed as the love molecule which is the culprit that causes sweaty palms, shaky knees and general restlessness. Sometimes it can keep us wide awake for hours when we should be yawning away. I guess this should be the reason why new couple can talk on the phone for hours late at night without falling asleep.

The love molecule is a natural amphetamine, like the drug, and cause similar stimulation and when overdose of this chemical, It also releases the neurochemical dopamine. Studies done at Emory University shows that female vole choose their mates in response to dopamine level released in their brain.

Dopamine further stimulates the brain to produce oxytocin which is also known as the “cuddle chemical” because it instills the need to be physically held, have close contact partner and makes both sexes more caring. It can be released simply by a lover’s look, smell or even fantasy.

When we are attracted to someone very much, it causes an explosion of neurochemicals very similar to adrenalin. Assisted by Phenylethylamine, that speeds up the flow of information between cells, dopamine,that makes us glow and feel good, and norepinephrine, that stimulates the production of adrenalin, make our world go round, our eyes sparkle and our heart beat faster. This combination of chemicals is what actually results in infatuation or so called ‘puppy love’.

Infatuation doesn’t last long because when it subsides, another chemical takes over, which is the endorphins. This chemical is responsible for intimate relationship as it makes relationship steadier, dependable, warm and a great sharing experience. The feeling brought on by endorphin is totally different from chemistry of infatuation which causes giddiness. This is why married people stay married longer because endorphin is addictive. It is also the reason why people grief for so long when their spouse die, or yearning for being together again when they are separated.

So, does this mean that love is all about the chemicals in us? Can the mystery of love be solved in the laboratory? Maybe we’ll find out one of these days, or maybe not.

Written by Rafidah ^_^


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